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  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • Hanse 410
  • 19 Sivun lataukset viimeisen 7 päivän aikana
  • 1 henkilön suosikeissa1

Uusi vene tilauksessa, Purjejahti

Hanse 410

Merkitse suosikiksi
  • EUR 258 900ei sis. ALV, tällä hetkellä tilauksessa
  • 2025Valmistusvuosi
  • 12,55 m x 4,29 mPituus x Leveys
  • 295 l VesiMakeavesisäiliö
  • 1 x 56 hv / 41 kWMoottorin teho
  • 160 l DieselPolttoaine


Saksa » Flensburger Förde

Oma venepaikka


2025 Hanse 410, EUR 258 900

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Experience the future of sailing with the Hanse 410 - a leisure yacht that not only impresses with its first-class design, but also with innovative technologies for environmentally conscious sailing.

The optimized hull design of the 41-foot yacht with chines at the bow and stern ensures a slim waterline and thus the Hanseatic uncompromising performance and ease of sailing.

For the first time, the Hanse 410 offers an optional electric drive with an enormous range of up to 55 nautical miles. Even more independence is ensured by a fuel cell that delivers emission-free energy over an extended period of time. Or rely on reliable solar technology to run important consumers on board without fuel.

The exclusive Sustainable Performance Sail (SPS) is made from recycled polyester and is not only environmentally friendly but also powerful.

With up to three spacious cabins and a spacious salon, the Hanse 410 is a true home on the water. Equipped with exceptional storage space, a large work surface and generous cooling and storage capacities, the Galley makes cooking a pleasure.

The Hanse 410 sets new standards in its class with a cockpit equipped with two tables for the first time. With plenty of space and comfortable seating, you can enjoy sailing to the fullest and feel the wind in your sails.

Make an appointment with us and we will configure your Hanse 410 according to your individual needs and wishes.

Jannik Kiefermann
+49 461 177 27 27
+49 172 834 0424
Jannik. kiefermann@fys. de

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Lisää Flensburger Yacht-Service GmbH & Co. KG-tarjouksia

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