2016 haben wir unsere Vindoe 40, "Mariana", vom Ersteigner in Lignano (IT) gekauft, die bis dahin ausserhalb der Segelsaison von einer Komplettpersenning bedeckt in einer Trockenmarina an Land lag.
Seit dem sind wir die italienische Adriaküste, die Ionischen Inseln, das südliche Italien und Malta bis Trapani (Sizilien) gefahren und haben das Boot ausserhalb der Segelsaison ebenfalls immer komplett abgedeckt und wenn möglich an Land gestellt. Dementsprechend ist die Yacht trotz ihrer 43 Jahre in gepflegtem Zustand, laufend gewartet (Elektrik neu 2023) und gut ausgestattet.
Nachdem wir aktuell festgestellt haben, dass wir das Boot auch als Rentner zeitlich bei weitem nicht auslasten und auch immer einiges zu tun ist, denken wir an eine 50:50-Eignergemeinschaft mit anderen, die die Freiheit eines eigenen Bootes geniessen wollen, aber auch keine Scheu vor der Pflege haben. Saisonal bevorzugen wir die Nebensaisonen (Mai, Juni, September, Oktober), sodass das Boot z.B. Juli und August bis dato immer frei war (wir lasten aber auch die Nebensaison nicht aus).
Als Fahrtensegler umrunden wir seit 2016 Italien und wechseln alle 1-2 Jahre den Standort, sind für die Zukunft aber flexibel und für vieles offen.
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Used Boat, Classic Sailing Yacht, Keelboat, Sailing Yacht
Vindö 40
Owner's association wanted
- 1981Year Built
- good conditionCondition
- 9.43 m x 2.95 mLength x Beam
- 1.40 mDraught
- 12.00 mBridge clearance height
- 4'800 kgDisplacement
- GRPMaterial
- Wheel controlSteering
- Long keelKeel Type
- 5 PersonsCertified No. of Persons
- 185 cmHeadroom
- 1 CabinNo. of Cabins
- 5 bedsNo. of berths
- 1 BathroomNo. of Bathrooms
- 100 l WaterFresh water tank
- 10 l Waste WaterHolding Tank
- Volvo Penta MD11Engine
- 40 l DieselFuel Type
- 2'500 hEngine Hours
- AluminiumMast material
- 17 m²Mainsail
- 23 m² (Roller Furling)Genoa
- 40 m²Gennaker
- 2 manualWinches
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Italy » Sizilien
1981 Vindö 40, EUR 10.000,-
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In 2016 we bought our Vindoe 40, "Mariana", from the first owner in Lignano (IT), which until then had been covered by a full tarpaulin in a dry marina on land outside the sailing season.
Since then, we have sailed the Italian Adriatic coast, the Ionian Islands, southern Italy and Malta as far as Trapani (Sicily) and have also always covered the boat completely outside the sailing season and put it ashore whenever possible. Accordingly, despite its 43 years, the yacht is in good condition, regularly maintained (electrics new 2023) and well equipped.
Now that we have realized that even as pensioners we are far from using the boat to its full capacity and that there is always a lot to do, we are thinking of a 50:50 owners' association with others who want to enjoy the freedom of their own boat but are not afraid of maintenance. Seasonally, we prefer the low seasons (May, June, September, October), so that the boat has always been free in July and August, for example (but we don't use the low season to the full either).
As cruising sailors, we have been sailing around Italy since 2016 and change our location every 1-2 years, but we are flexible and open to many options for the future.
Since then, we have sailed the Italian Adriatic coast, the Ionian Islands, southern Italy and Malta as far as Trapani (Sicily) and have also always covered the boat completely outside the sailing season and put it ashore whenever possible. Accordingly, despite its 43 years, the yacht is in good condition, regularly maintained (electrics new 2023) and well equipped.
Now that we have realized that even as pensioners we are far from using the boat to its full capacity and that there is always a lot to do, we are thinking of a 50:50 owners' association with others who want to enjoy the freedom of their own boat but are not afraid of maintenance. Seasonally, we prefer the low seasons (May, June, September, October), so that the boat has always been free in July and August, for example (but we don't use the low season to the full either).
As cruising sailors, we have been sailing around Italy since 2016 and change our location every 1-2 years, but we are flexible and open to many options for the future.
- Shore Connection
- Battery
- Battery Charger
- Fire Extinguisher
- Anchor
- Bow Anchor Capstan
- Bilge Pump
- Life Raft
- Navigation Lights
- Solar panels
- Compass
- Autopilot
- VHF Radio
- Radar Reflector
- Wind Instrument
- Depth Instrument
- Speed Instrument
- Stove
- Sink
- Fridge
- Full Cover
- Sprayhood
- Winter Cover
- Swim Ladder
- Deck Shower
- Heating
- Cockpit Table
- Teak Deck
- Teak Cockpit
- Underwater Paint
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