Botnia Targa 27.1
?Originally launched in 1991, the Targa 27 became an instant legend thanks to its remarkably solid and stable structure and its superb sea-going performance. Relaunched in 2003, when it won the ?Motorboat of the Show? award in Stockholm, the second-generation Targa 27.1 offers exceptional performance and handling. Its spacious cabin ensures that you travel in comfort, while the outstanding visibility from the pilothouse windows adds to your driving pleasure. Driving from the flybridge ? accommodating three persons ? is, according to the owners, a true pleasure on those sunny days?
Some equipments:
Chart Plotter C120 Raymarine, VHF with DSC Raymarine, Radar Raymarine, Bow Thruster, Tridata Raymarine
Bow Thruster battery, House Battery, Starter Battery, Battery Charger
Boiler, Bimini, Cockpit table
- 39
- 5
- Del
Bruktbåt, Deplasementsbåt
Targa 27.1
- 2008Årgang
- god standTilstand
- 8,90 m x 3,04 mLengde x Bredde
- 0,90 mDypgang
- Glassfiber-armert plast GAPMaterial
- 1 kabinAnt. kabiner
- 2 køyerAnt. køyer
- 1 toalettToaletter
- 230 l VannFerskvannstank
- Z-fremdriftFremdrift
- Volvo Penta D6 330Motor
- 1 x 330 HK / 243 kWMotoreffekt
- 550 l DieselDrivstoff
- 2008Årgang motor
- 1.780 hMotortimer
Trenger du flere detaljer?
Portugal » Portugal
2008 Targa 27.1, EUR 130 000,-
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- Kompass
- Radar
- Kartplotter
- Dybdemåler
- Hastighetsmåler
- Landstrøm
- Batteri
- Batterilader
- Anker
- Baugpropell
- Lensepumpe
- Integrert badeplattform
- Badestige
- Cockpitbord
- Bimini top
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- Targa motorbåter