Finnsailer 29 with BOW THRUSTER AND BRAND NEW ENGINE! Stable and seaworthy 29-foot motor sailer with good interior design, spaciousness and good berths. There are two berths in the forward cabin and two berths in the aft cabin. In the cockpit there are two seats, and there are also four seats at the mahogany table. There are four seats in the salon. Mahogany interior throughout the boat in 2010. Cushions in foredeck, salon, cockpit and aft cabin from 2010.
The boat also has: aluminum mast, new wiring, canopy, wind indicator, Geonav GPS, VHF radio and autopilot.
Can be seen on land.
Please contact Yachtbasen to arrange a viewing.
- 65
- 16
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Motorsegler
Finnsailor 29 NY MOTOR
- 1976Baujahr
- 8,90 m x 2,78 mLänge x Breite
- 1,10 mTiefgang
- 4.500 kgVerdrängung
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- Nanni, BRAND NEW!Motor
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
1976 Finnsailor 29 NY MOTOR, EUR 19.445,-
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Finnsailer 29 mit BOW THRUSTER UND BRANDNEUEM MOTOR! Stabiler und seet
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Weitere Angebote von Yachtbasen ApS
finnsailer 29
Compass 31
Nauticat 38
Pilothouse Motorsejler 49
- Alle Angebote von Yachtbasen ApS