The Bavaria 30 Cruiser is very suitable for both novice and advanced sailors who are looking for a handy sailing yacht with plenty of living space. This Bavaria 30 is very seaworthy with CE category A and has a very large sailing area thanks to the shallow tandem keel. The rigging is of excellent quality, including Elvstrom Epex sails with Selden mast, boom and rodkicker vang. All lines can be operated from the cockpit and this Bavaria is also equipped with a lazy bag and lazy jacks for the mainsail. The genoa has a roller reef system. The navigation instruments are placed on the steering position and the Lewmar ST sheet winches are within easy reach of the skipper. The fixed cockpit table is integrated with the steering pedestal. The cockpit benches have an ergonomic seat with Bavaria backrest cushions for extra comfort. The swimming platform is easily accessible from the cockpit. The sprayhood provides shelter against bow spray and the zip-on cockpit tent significantly increases the living space in the marina. The Volvo Penta 3-cylinder diesel engine provides reliable propulsion. The saildrive seal was renewed in 2024. A solar panel keeps the batteries charged.
The Bavaria 30 has a spacious interior with headroom of 1.85m and splendid light mahogany woodwork. Multiple hatches and windows can be opened for optimal ventilation. The settee benches provide comfortable seating and can be used as additional berths. In the center of the saloon is a large table with a folding leaf. On starboard is a navigation corner, with chart table, switch panel, VHF radio and GPS. Behind the chart table is the heads, with hand pump toilet, sink and built-in waste water tank. The L-shaped galley on the port side is equipped with a gimballed 2-burner stove with oven, compressor cool box and stainless steel sink with cold running water. Both the private aft - and front cabin each have a double bed with ample cupboard space for clothes.
- 20
- 61
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Segelyacht
Bavaria 30 Cruiser
- 2005Baujahr
- 9,45 m x 3,29 mLänge x Breite
- 1,40 mTiefgang
- 5.600 kgVerdrängung
- A - HochseeCE-Kennzeichnung
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- weiß whiteSchalenfarbe
- RadsteuerungSteuerung
- Festkiel mit BombeKieltyp
- 1.000 kgBallast
- 185 cmStehhöhe
- 2 KabinenAnz. Kabinen
- 4 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 1 ToiletteToiletten
- 150 l WasserFrischwassertank
- 75 l SchmutzwasserFäkalientank
- SaildriveAntrieb
- Volvo Penta MD2020-DMotor
- 1 x 19 PS / 14 kWMotorleistung
- 90 l DieselTreibstoff
- 2005Baujahr Motor
- 5 KnotenReisegeschwindigkeit
- 7 KnotenHöchstgeschwindigkeit
- 26 m² (Lattengross)Groß-Segel
- 25 m² (Rollreff)Genua
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Die Bavaria 30 Cruiser ist sowohl f
- Gasherd
- Backofen
- Spüle
- Kühlbox
- Kompass
- UKW-Funk
- Radarreflektor
- Kartenplotter
- Windmesser
- Tiefenmesser
- Landanschluss
- Batterie
- Batterieladegerät
- Inverter
- Solaranlage
- Navigationsbeleuchtung
- Anker
- Bug-Ankerwinde
- Bilgepumpe
- Feuerlöscher
- Druckwasseranlage
- Fernseher
- Radio
- CD-Player
- DVD-Player
- Badeplattform integriert
- Badeleiter
- Cockpittisch
- Teak Cockpit
- Deckdusche
- Cockpit-Persenning
- Sprayhood
- Unterwasseranstrich
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