2020 Lagoon Lagoon 450
Lagoon 450F in 4 cabin version from 2020 Essential configuration, turnkey equipped and based on Mallorca.
Kaufen Sie beim offiziellen deutschen Lagoon Katamaran Händler und profitieren von unserer Erfahrung: Seit über 20 Jahren im Bootshandel tätig Ansprechpartner in deutsch und englisch Aftersales Dienstleistungen (Ersatzteile, individuelle Ausrüstung) Weltweites Service Netzwerk Buy from the official German Lagoon catamaran dealer and benefit from our experience: In the boat trade for over 20 years Contact in German and English Aftersales services (spare parts, individual equipment) Worldwide service network
Lagoon 450F in 4 cabin version from 2020 Essen2al configuration, turnkey equipped and based on Mallorca.
Year: 2020
Lenght: 13,96m
Beam: 7,87m
Draft: 1,30m
Cabins: 4
Heads: 4
Freshwater: 2x 350l (+ Watermaker) Fuel: 2x 520l
Engines: 2x Yanmar 4JH57, 57HP Engine Hours: 2960/2885h
Berth: Mallorca - Spain
Price: 589.000.- € ex. VAT
Cockpit & Deck Equipment:
Electrical dinghy hoist system
Bimini for the flybrdige
Cockpit removable sides
Cushions for aft cockpit
Cushions for fwd. cockpit
Lounging cushions for the roof
Fridge in cockpit 12V
Ice box in the cockpit
Cockpit table
Courtesy lighting in blue LED
Pulpits with wooden seats
Windlass with remote at helm station
Rigg & Sails:
Aluminum mast and canoe boom
Lazy bag and lazy jacks
Mainsail in dacron with 3 reefs, slinding cars & battens
Traveller on coach roof
Furling genua
1x electric HARKEN winch at helm stadon
LED deck & navigation lights
Interior Equipment:
Interior in Dark Walnut with Asburgo floor
Interior cushions in SMART SHARK
Curtains with pleats for windows & doors
Sliding windows with access to aft cockpit
Salon table convertable into double berth
Galley with hob and oven
S/s refrigerator and freezer 12V
Sea water tap with pump
220V/USB outlets
Aircondition for every cabin and salon
Fans for cabins and salon
4 Cabins & 4 Heads:
Interior in Alpi Walnut with Asburgo floor
En suite heads with electric sea water toilets and holding tanks
Aft cabin tapered queen bed with slats
Aft cabin: hanger closet, cabinets, bed, drawer, shelves
Fwd. cabin tapered queen bed with access to storage
Fwd cabin: shelves and bed drawer
Air Conditioning
Ambient lightning above beds with reading lamps
220V/USB outlets
Additional port bow compartment
Additional stb. bow compartment
Hifi-Navigation Electronic:
Complete B&G Navigation Pack
Chartplotter B&G 12? at helm stadon
B&G AIS 500
B&G VHF V60 and H60 wireless remote
B&G Autopilot with remote
2x B&G Cameras under the flybridge
TV Antenna
TV in the salon
Bose 2.1 Loudspeaker system in the salon
Engines & Equipment:
Yanmar 4JH57: 2x 57hp: 2960/2885 hours
Onan generator 11 KVA
Flex solar panels
Air condition 48.000 BTU
Inverter 2000 VA
Tender: Highfield UL310 with 15 hp HONDA engine
Safety equipment for commercial charter business
- 19
- 24
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Katamaran
Lagoon 450
- Dream ElliSchiffsname
- 2020Baujahr
- guter ZustandZustand
- 13,96 m x 7,87 mLänge x Breite
- 1,30 mTiefgang
- 15.000 kgVerdrängung
- A - HochseeCE-Kennzeichnung
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- weiß whiteSchalenfarbe
- RadsteuerungSteuerung
- KurzkielKieltyp
- 4 KabinenAnz. Kabinen
- 8 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 4 ToilettenToiletten
- 4 DuschenDuschen
- 700 l WasserFrischwassertank
- SaildriveAntrieb
- 2 x 57 PS / 42 kWMotorleistung
- 1.040 l DieselTreibstoff
- 2020Baujahr Motor
- 2.950 hMotorstunden
- LattengrossGroß-Segel
- RollreffGenua
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
Spanien » Mallorca » Porto Colom
2020 Lagoon 450, EUR 589.000,-
- Gasherd
- Backofen
- Spüle
- Kühlschrank
- Gefrierschrank
- Kompass
- Windsteueranlage
- Autopilot
- UKW-Funk
- Radarreflektor
- Kartenplotter
- Windmesser
- Tiefenmesser
- Geschwindigkeitsmesser
- Landanschluss
- Batterie
- Batterieladegerät
- Inverter
- Generator
- Solaranlage
- Navigationsbeleuchtung
- Anker
- Bug-Ankerwinde
- Elektrische Winsch
- Bilgepumpe
- Feuerlöscher
- Klimaanlage
- Druckwasseranlage
- Warmwasseranlage
- Fernseher
- Radio
- CD-Player
- MP3-Player
- iPod-Anschluss
- Bluetooth-Konnektivität
- Badeplattform integriert
- Badeleiter
- Gangway
- Davits
- Cockpittisch
- Bimini-Top
- Unterwasseranstrich
Yachtversicherung von Pantaenius
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