Luxury sailboat - 2 cabins - Very well maintained and ready to take over.
New Elvstrøm genoa from 2024!
BENETEAU OCEANIS 323 is for you if you want a boat where there is room for the family and at the same time a boat that is not too violent and requires a large crew to sail, here is a good opportunity to also sail singlehand.
This Beneteau fora 2006 is a real gem. Continuously maintained and upgraded. At leeward she is extremely well maintained, and with the new headsail she sails like the day she came from the shipyard.
Here is a sailboat where a new owner can just sail and not have to spend a lot of money on new investments.
Deck and cockpit area
The cockpit is large and wide, considering the size of the boat. Equipped with powerful winches. Quick access to the bathing platform, where the bait tower is easily folded up. When you've been in the blue, you can rinse off in fresh water as there is a shower in the cockpit.
A canopy with full headroom (185 cm) is included with the boat.
Layout downstairs
The 32 feet is very well utilized to leeward. Classic L-shaped pantry and two longitudinal sofas with access to the spacious front cabin.
The boat really wins in 2 areas - the size of the aft cabin (which is really big) and the space in the toilet. There is actually real space to take a shower.
The comfort and experience of shelter is really pleasant. This is partly due to the lovely light in the shelter with many skylights and windows in the hull, as well as the beautiful and warm wood paneling.
The engine installation is from Japanese Yanmar, one of the leading manufacturers of boat engines. Here you get a very reliable and well-balanced engine.
This year, the boat has been treated with underwater wrack and painted with Silic One.
A fairly well-equipped boat where everything works and is taken care of. Equipment includes a sound system, heating and 220 volt power in all rooms.
If you can't stand the beautiful French design either, book a viewing.
Contact Bo from BOATERY on tel +45 4016 1080 or email
- 49
- 27
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Blauwasseryacht, Segelyacht
Beneteau Oceanis 323 Clipper
- KalypsoSchiffsname
- 2006Baujahr
- guter ZustandZustand
- 10,12 m x 3,25 mLänge x Breite
- 1,80 mTiefgang
- 4.200 kgVerdrängung
- A - HochseeCE-Kennzeichnung
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- weiß whiteSchalenfarbe
- RadsteuerungSteuerung
- KurzkielKieltyp
- 8 Personenzugel. Personenzahl
- 185 cmStehhöhe
- 2 KabinenAnz. Kabinen
- 6 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 1 ToiletteToiletten
- 1 DuscheDuschen
- 150 l WasserFrischwassertank
- 60 l SchmutzwasserFäkalientank
- Wellenantrieb D-DriveAntrieb
- YanmarMotor
- 1 x 21 PS / 15 kWMotorleistung
- 60 l DieselTreibstoff
- 2006Baujahr Motor
- 1.000 hMotorstunden
- AluminiumMastmaterial
- RollreffGenua
- 2 manuellWinschen
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2006 Beneteau Oceanis 323 Clipper, Reserviert
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- Gasherd
- Kühlschrank
- Kompass
- UKW-Funk
- Kartenplotter
- Windmesser
- Tiefenmesser
- Geschwindigkeitsmesser
- Landanschluss
- Batterie
- Batterieladegerät
- Navigationsbeleuchtung
- Bug-Ankerwinde
- Bilgepumpe
- Heizung
- Druckwasseranlage
- Warmwasseranlage
- Radio
- CD-Player
- Cockpit-Lautsprecher
- Badeplattform integriert
- Badeleiter
- Cockpittisch
- Teak Cockpit
- Deckdusche
- Cockpit-Persenning
- Sprayhood
- Unterwasseranstrich
- Cockpit tent
- Toilet
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