The Bali 5.4 won in 2019 the Multihull of the Year award and is still one of the best catamarans sailing worldwide.
With a fantastic entrance to the saloon due to the famous “Bali Door” this Bali offers a L shaped sofa at PS with a huge social table.
The galley is fully equipped with double stainless-steel sink, double-door fridge/freezer, oven and stove and a Microwave.
At galley’s SB is the nav station equipped with electrical panel and electronic instruments.
Entrances on both sides towards the cabins. All with double berths and private bathrooms.
Door giving access to the bow, with another social area with table and large solarium.
On the flybridge the helm station fully equipped and another social area more toward the stern with big solarium.
Some equipment:
Raymarine Chartplotter, Autopilot, Tridata, VHF with DSC
Sails & Covers:
Reinforced Dacron Full Batten Main Sail, Genoa, Lazy Bag, Cushions for foredeck and flybridge
ONAN Generator 17,5 KW, Solar panels 8 x 100W, A/C in all cabins.
Watermaker 240 L/hour, Bimini with LED lightening, Dinghy with 5HP outboard engine, Grill on the aft, 50kg anchor + 80m (12mm) chain.
- 32
- 3
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Katamaran
Bali Catamarans 5.4
- 2019Baujahr
- sehr guter ZustandZustand
- 16,20 m x 8,74 mLänge x Breite
- 1,48 mTiefgang
- RadsteuerungSteuerung
- 8 KabinenAnz. Kabinen
- 14 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 8 ToilettenToiletten
- 1.200 l WasserFrischwassertank
- SaildriveAntrieb
- YanmarMotor
- 2 x 80 PS / 59 kWMotorleistung
- 1.200 l DieselTreibstoff
- 2019Baujahr Motor
- 4.070 hMotorstunden
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
Portugal » Portugal
2019 Bali Catamarans 5.4, EUR 950.000,-
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- Gasherd
- Backofen
- Spüle
- Kühlschrank
- Gefrierschrank
- Kompass
- Autopilot
- Radar
- UKW-Funk
- Kartenplotter
- Tiefenmesser
- Windmesser
- Geschwindigkeitsmesser
- Landanschluss
- Batterie
- Batterieladegerät
- Generator
- Solaranlage
- Navigationsbeleuchtung
- Anker
- Bilgepumpe
- Rettungsinsel
- Klimaanlage
- Elektrische Toilette
- Druckwasseranlage
- Warmwasseranlage
- Entsalzungsanlage
- Radio
- Bluetooth-Konnektivität
- Cockpit-Lautsprecher
- Badeplattform integriert
- Badeleiter
- Davits
- Cockpittisch
- Bimini-Top
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Weitere Angebote von Sea Way/Siroco Nautica
- Bali Catamarans 5.4
- Alle Angebote von Sea Way/Siroco Nautica
- Bali Catamarans Segelboote