1991 Sun Runner Classic 320 for Sale
Launched in 1992
Experience timeless comfort and reliable performance with this 1991 Sun Runner Classic 320, launched in 1992. This boat offers spacious accommodations and key modern upgrades, making it an excellent choice for both relaxed cruising and memorable weekends on the water. Its beam provides a stable platform, and the V-shaped hull ensures a smooth ride, even in choppier waters. The model has a solid construction, benefiting from the era?s boat-building practices known for durability.
Key Features:
Power Supply: Equipped with a new Onan 4kw Generator (2023), battery charger, and shore power inlet, ensuring consistent power and reliability.
Navigation: Garmin GPS/Plotter, making navigation and route planning simple and accurate.
Water Heating: Integrated water heater for added onboard comfort.
Forward Cabin: Features a comfortable double bed.
Aft Cabin: Includes an additional double bed, providing ample space for guests.
Head: Electric head with shower, making extended stays convenient.
Interior Layout:
Guest Cabins: Two well-appointed cabins offering privacy and comfort.
Head & Shower: Clean and efficient layout, with all essentials for comfort.
The Sun Runner Classic 320 is designed to combine style, space, and performance. Contact us today for more details or to schedule a viewing!
Electrical Equipment
Battery Charger
Shore Power Inlet
Generator Onan 4kw (2023)
Water Heater
Navigation and Communication Equipment
Garmin GPS/Plotter
Domestic Equipment
2 x Gas Oven
Ice Maker
Saloon Sofa
Saloon Table Convertible to a Single Bed
2 x Guest Cabins & 1 x Head
Fwd Cabin with a Double Bed
Aft Cabin with a Double Bed
Electric Head and Shower
Deck Equipment
Cockpit Speakers
Cockpit Cushions
Cockpit Table
Electric Windlass
Swimming Bathing Platform
Swimming Ladder
Manual Gangway
- 28
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Kajütboot
Sun Runner Classic 320
- 1991Baujahr
- guter ZustandZustand
- 9,76 m x 3,50 mLänge x Breite
- 1,95 mTiefgang
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- 2 KabinenAnz. Kabinen
- 4 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 1 ToiletteToiletten
- 1 DuscheDuschen
- 40 l SchmutzwasserFäkalientank
- Wellenantrieb D-DriveAntrieb
- Volvo Penta AD A1Motor
- 2 x 200 PS / 147 kWMotorleistung
- DieselTreibstoff
- 1.100 hMotorstunden
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
Griechenland » South Aegean
1991 Sun Runner Classic 320, EUR 65.000,-
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- Backofen
- Spüle
- Kühlschrank
- Icemaker
- Kompass
- Autopilot
- UKW-Funk
- Kartenplotter
- Windmesser
- Tiefenmesser
- Geschwindigkeitsmesser
- Landanschluss
- Batterie
- Batterieladegerät
- Generator
- Navigationsbeleuchtung
- Anker
- Bilgepumpe
- Klimaanlage
- Elektrische Toilette
- Warmwasseranlage
- MP3-Player
- Cockpit-Lautsprecher
- Badeplattform integriert
- Badeleiter
- Gangway
- Cockpittisch
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