Basic Information:
Type: Motor
Manufacturer: Sasanka
Model: Courier 970
Hull material: PS Laminate
Design category: B (offshore)
Year of production: 2005
Year of first launch: 2007
Berthing location: Poland
Total length: 9.7 m
Total width: 2.99 m
Maximum draft: 0.7 m
Total weight: 4500
Engine: Volvo Penta 20.9kW, 30 HP
Engine hours: 1680
Engine fuel: Diesel
Drive type: shaft
Total number of cabins: 2
Number of sleeping cabins: 2
Number of double berths: 4
Number of single berths: 0
Fuel capacity (liters): 400
Clean water (liters): 300
Dirty water (liters): 150
Webasto / heating: Webasto diesel
Bow thruster: Yes
Number of toilets: 1
Type of toilet: manual
Number of showers: External shower at the stern and internal shower in the bathroom
Number of previous owners: 4
Additional information important for the buyer: Well-maintained yacht
Equipment and Boat History:
Nautical equipment: compass, plotter, sonar, GPS, VHF
Kitchen equipment: refrigerator, gas stove, sink, hot and cold water
Additional equipment: anchor winch, 2 bilge pumps, convertible top
Service history / last service / performed actions:
1. New set of cabin covers, new front cabin curtain, new sun mattresses ? beige color (2021)
2. New, spare set of cabin covers in black ? never used (2021)
3. New cockpit covers ? waterproof material, beige color, new helm seat (2021)
4. New toilet (2021)
5. New anchor winch control (2021)
6. New SONY Marine speakers (2021)
7. New additional LED lighting in the cabin (2021)
8. Polishing of stainless steel pipes (2021)
9. Repair of stern ladder (2021)
10. Varnish protection of wooden elements in the steering house ? instrument panel, helm seat base, VHF radio housing, rubbing strakes, steering house decorations (2021)
11. New engine power wiring (2022)
12. New (partial) engine compartment insulation (2022)
13. New (partial) electrical installation, reorganization, electrical panel service, new control buttons (2022)
14. New engine cooling water impeller (2022)
15. New pumps: waste, shower water in the bathroom, 2 x bilge (2022)
16. New oil filter, 2 x fuel filter (2022), air filter ? after replacement the yacht did not sail.
17. Regeneration of anchor winch motor (2022)
18. Superstructure polishing (09.2022)
19. New battery 1 pc (2023)
20. New antifouling coating (2023)
21. New door lock (2023)
22. New bow platform at the anchor winch (2023)
23. Webasto heating service (2023)
24. Yacht hull renovation (2023,2024), polishing
25. Polishing of the letters with the name BIG PRINCESS, renovation of the wooden base under the name (2022)
26. Cleaning of sundeck and swimming deck floors
27. Sealing of roof hatch
28. Sealing of front windows
29. Sealing of side deck drains
- 78
- 7
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Kajütboot
Sasanka Courier 970
- 2005Baujahr
- 9,70 m x 2,99 mLänge x Breite
- Volvo PentaMotor
- 1 x 30 PS / 22 kWMotorleistung
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
Polen » Gdansk
2005 Sasanka Courier 970, EUR 36.900,-
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