We are proud to present a real treat of a 2018 Riva Rivamare 38.
This is the boat for the discerning connoisseur who wants something very special!
She is little used and very well maintained.
Experience the pinnacle of luxury and style with a Riva Yacht!
For over 175 years, Riva has been the epitome of Italian design and engineering excellence.
From the moment you step on board, you will experience a unique atmosphere of unparalleled luxury.
The sleek lines and characteristic curves of the Riva Yacht are a testament to the timeless design.
Every foot of a Riva Yacht is crafted to perfection, from the spacious and elegant interior to the state-of-the-art technology and advanced construction.
Riva Yacht is not just a vessel ? but a way of life!
Floor plan
Electrically operated bathing platform, which folds aft. A fantastic place for those lazy days at the lake, but close to the water.
The aft deck has double sunbeds, and with its spacious and comfortable design, this is the perfect place to enjoy the sun and the view.
Good seating area with tables that invite you to eat the best meals.
Exquisite double skipper's chair with upgraded navigation/engine instruments on the port side and passenger seat on the starboard side.
Forward, the cabin has a spacious and elegantly appointed interior, complete with a comfortable seating area, a fully equipped galley and a separate large bathroom with toilet. The table can be folded down to convert into a large double bed.
Sea characteristics
Rivamare is a high-performance vessel that provides an unparalleled experience on the water. With its advanced construction and cutting-edge technology, this vessel is capable of impressive speeds and agile handling, making it the ideal choice for those who demand the ultimate in performance and luxury.
Engine and equipment
Twin Volvo Penta D6-400 engines that provide speeds of up to 40 knots. Only about 270 hours on the engines.
The innovative Volvo Penta joystick system also makes maneuvering and docking a breeze, providing precise and effortless control of the vessel.
Onan generator in a soundproof box with approx. 130 hours.
16" Volvo Penta Glass Cockpit Monitor integrated to the engines.
Sold for owner who has always ensured the best care and maintenance. "No expense spared".
This boat has equipment that corresponds to a price of over 15 million if it were to be bought new today.
- 68
- 22
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Kajütboot
Riva mare 38
FANTASTIC RIVA RIVAMARE 38 - Jede Menge Bootszubeh
- 2018Baujahr
- sehr guter ZustandZustand
- 12,00 m x 3,50 mLänge x Breite
- 1,00 mTiefgang
- GleiterRumpftyp
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- braun brownSchalenfarbe
- 10 Personenzugel. Personenzahl
- 2 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 1 ToiletteToiletten
- 1 DuscheDuschen
- Z-AntriebAntrieb
- Volvo Penta D6 - 400Motor
- 2 x 400 PS / 294 kWMotorleistung
- DieselTreibstoff
- 2018Baujahr Motor
- 270 hMotorstunden
- 30 KnotenReisegeschwindigkeit
- 40 KnotenHöchstgeschwindigkeit
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
Norwegen » Østlandet » Høvik
2018 Riva mare 38, NOK 9.490.000,-
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Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen einen echten Leckerbissen einer 2018er Riva Rivamare 38 pr
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