The Hummerfish boats are extremely robust aluminum boats that are built to be used all year round and in demanding conditions. The boats are built with safety in focus, which is clearly visible in, among other things, the placement of the grab rails and non-slip walking surfaces.
This example (HF 03) was built in 2000 and has a driveline from 2022. The boat is unsinkable thanks to the fact that it has a double hull filled with buoyant material. The aluminum is blasted, which provides a protective film that lasts significantly better than, for example, nano protection and gives the boat a stylish appearance.
The cabin is well insulated and accommodates 4 people comfortably. There is also a sleeping space towards the bow for two people, but which also works well to stow away luggage in. The aft deck is equipped with seats for additional passengers and here, too, there are plenty of large stowage spaces that are protected from the weather.
The engine is a Mercruiser 3.0 TDI 270 HP which was fitted new in 2022 together with a new drive. Together, they give the boat a pleasant ride and plenty of performance. The boat reaches a top speed of approx. 35 knots and cruises quietly and comfortably around approx. 27 knots.
Equipment: Garmin plotter, Garmin Radar, lanterns, defroster, heater, windshield wiper, damping seats, bathing ladder.
- 22
- 2
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Kajütboot
Hummerfish HF03
- 2000Baujahr
- guter ZustandZustand
- 8,00 m x 2,60 mLänge x Breite
- C - Küstennahe GewässerCE-Kennzeichnung
- GleiterRumpftyp
- AluminiumMaterial
- 1 KabineAnz. Kabinen
- 2 KojenAnz. Kojen
- Z-AntriebAntrieb
- MercruiserMotor
- 1 x 270 PS / 199 kWMotorleistung
- DieselTreibstoff
- 2022Baujahr Motor
- 65 hMotorstunden
- 27 KnotenReisegeschwindigkeit
- 35 KnotenHöchstgeschwindigkeit
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Schweden » Svealand » Stockholm
2000 Hummerfish HF03, SEK 800.000,-
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Die Hummerfish-Boote sind extrem robuste Aluminiumboote, die f
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- Hummerfish Motorboote