The Finnmaster 68 DC is a modern day cruiser with good sea characteristics and a comfortable layout.
The cockpit has a practical and pleasant floor plan in the form of a u-shaped sofa, kitchenette with fresh water, stove and fridge as well as driver's and passenger's place. In the boat, you will also find a ruff with sleeping places for two adults and a child.
The boat is equipped with a number of features to simplify your boat ownership. The driver's seat is equipped, among other things, with a keyless system for engine start/stop and also functions as a dead man's grip. In the stern, a windlass is mounted to simplify mooring in, among other things, natural harbours.
The boat's performance consists of a 225 HP Yamaha that has run 420 hours. The engine has been regularly serviced and the timing belt has recently been replaced.
Equipment: refrigerator (new 2023), teak table in cockpit, stove (alcohol), Garmin 9" GPS with GT20 sonar, galley with sink, trim level, water tank, hydraulic steering, canopy, water ski pole, windshield wiper, teak deck, immobilizer, stereo, Securmark, double batteries, windlass, wireless dead man's grip with start/stop.
- 35
- 1
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Kajütboot
Finnmaster 68 DC
In sehr gutem Zustand.
- 2011Baujahr
- sehr guter ZustandZustand
- 6,80 m x 2,41 mLänge x Breite
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- Außenbordmotor 4-TaktAntrieb
- YamahaMotor
- 1 x 225 PS / 165 kWMotorleistung
- BleifreiTreibstoff
- 2011Baujahr Motor
- 420 hMotorstunden
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Schweden » Svealand » Stockholm
2011 Finnmaster 68 DC, SEK 430.000,-
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Die Finnmaster 68 DC ist ein moderner Kreuzer mit guten Seeeigenschaften und einem komfortablen Layout.
Das Cockpit hat einen praktischen und angenehmen Grundriss in Form eines u-f
Das Cockpit hat einen praktischen und angenehmen Grundriss in Form eines u-f
Yachtversicherung von Pantaenius
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- Finnmaster Motorboote