Delta 34 SW is a boat developed for the Scandinavian climate with a stylish design that remains modern even today. The hull is designed to achieve a high cruising speed in combination with a low fuel consumption.
The interior is tastefully decorated with wooden details and large amounts of light. The cabin contains, among other things, a side kitchen and a seating area with a table. Here there are seats for the whole family and the captain has a good overview around the boat.
When it comes to sleeping options, there are plenty of them. The boat also has a mid-cabin with room for two people and there are additional berths in the bow where two people can sleep.
The stern is equipped with teak decks and an additional seating area. There is also a bathing platform and proper grab rails run from the stern to the bow.
The boat is DITEC-treated and winter-stored at a shipyard.
The engines are two Volvo Penta D4-300 which have run 750 hours. Service history is available for the last few years.
In the equipment list you will find, among other things: Zipwake, windlass with remote, new batteries, Raymarine plotter, radar, VHF, diesel heater (Webasto), water heater, search lights fore and aft.
The boat can be seen by scheduling an apointment.
- 28
- 4
- Teilen
Gebrauchtboot, Kajütboot
Delta Powerboats 34 SW
Das perfekte skandinavische Kreuzfahrtschiff
- Delta 34 SWSchiffsname
- 2011Baujahr
- sehr guter ZustandZustand
- 10,95 m x 3,23 mLänge x Breite
- 4.500 kgVerdrängung
- GleiterRumpftyp
- Kunststoff GFKMaterial
- 10 Personenzugel. Personenzahl
- 2 KabinenAnz. Kabinen
- 4 KojenAnz. Kojen
- 1 ToiletteToiletten
- 2 DuschenDuschen
- Z-AntriebAntrieb
- Volvo Penta D4-300Motor
- 2 x 300 PS / 221 kWMotorleistung
- DieselTreibstoff
- 2011Baujahr Motor
- 750 hMotorstunden
Brauchen Sie mehr Details?
Schweden » Svealand » Stockholm
2011 Delta Powerboats 34 SW, SEK 2.095.000,-
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- Delta Powerboats Motorboote